Tuesday, October 26, 2010

"My mood also depends very strongly on my earings"

''money is laughing gas for me''

''gobs of money thrown at handbags ,shoes ,interior decor ,and even the most minor of celebrations"

There is something narcissistic and morally questionable about the inflamed level of expenditure the elite do ,we believe they are selfish ,unaware of the sufferings of poor ,"Let them eat cake" perhaps at heart non of us believe money can't buy hapinesss ,we believe elite are generally cushioned from ordinary suffering,money provides certain comforts that make emotional pain easier to bear ,surely it is better to be depressed and provided for than depressed and also tormented by the stress of paying bills or rents.

Money ,what about it ?we envy it when we dont own it ,people kill for it,we know its power still we hate it ,the lives of those who own it intrigues us,its a dream .a luxurious fantasy ,,they have cooks ,nannies ,laundresses ,chauffeurs,cleaners ,tutors,tailors designers ,gardeners ,telephone operators, event managers ,you name it they have it ,they have the power to buy anything and everything ,the have a social lives .

The rich and the poor have a dynamic love -hate relationship.